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Re: Was I deleted?

On Tue 01 Apr 2014 at 16:06:19 +0000, root wrote:

> Hmm, it looks, I made a mistake. When I receive a mail from the list, I
> always reply to all, not to the list. I suppose, due to this behaviour,
> I was unsubsribed whatever.

Very, very unlikely. I'm inclined to say it is impossible.

> Besides, I subscribed again, but that did not work. Today I will talk
> to my isp, if debian.org is blocked. 

"Does not work" is a little vague. You should have received a
confirmation message within minutes for a *new* subscription. Of
course you may never have been unsubscribed so, in that case,
there would have been nothing for the list software to do because
it already knew about the address you subscribed with.

> In my case it is upside down as at yours: I can send to the list, but
> got no receives, you get receives but cannot send.

You have been responding to messages in this thread. Did you receive
any of those messages from the list? Or were they read elsewhere.

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