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Re: Dot files, get them out of the way

On 2013-07-08, Kelly Clowers wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 7:55 AM, ha <hiei.arhiva@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Ralph, I guess it would do it.
> > But I didn't plan to separate the conf files completely, I was hoping for a
> > solution more alike Wilko's (if it works).
> > After all we all have .config file in our home directory.
> > It makes sense that all applications write their conf files there, instead
> > "randomly" all around home directory. I was hoping for a way to force that.
> > I do not know if this is possible, nor how to do it.
> > It's funny that /etc is so well organized, but noone cares to do the same
> > with the conf files *for users*.
> > ...or is it just me?
> I agree... once there where not so very many dotfiles in ~, so it was
> less of an issue.
> Anyway, I try to file wishlist/enhancement bugs on programs I use, asking
> them to follow (at least optionally) the XDG Base Directory Specification:
> http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
> Hopefully as I get better at programming I can offer patches with my
> bugs as well.

Arch had a package called "libetc" that did exactly what you want, but
its been unmaintained for years now. Someone forked it, though, and
people on the Arch forums seem to have it working:


I've never used it before.


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