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Autofs not respecting uid in auto.removable

I am running squeeze.
I have following lines in /etc/auto.removable
lvgandhi@lvgvaio:~$ cat /etc/auto.removable
flash   -fstype=vfat,rw,uid=1000,umask=022,posix,shortname=winnt       :/dev/flash
ehd     -fstype=vfat,rw,uid=1000,umask=022,posix,shortname=winnt         :/dev/ehd
#ehd    -fstype=vfat,rw,uid=1000,umask=022,posix,shortname=winnt        UUID=84C0-F18B
I tried both /dev/ehd and UUID methods.
/var/autofs/removable/ehd is mounted as root.root.
I tried chown as sudo. There also I failed.
lvgandhi@lvgvaio:~$ sudo chown lvgandhi /var/autofs/removable/ehd
chown: changing ownership of `/var/autofs/removable/ehd': Operation not permitted
Any solutions to mount with ownership of user?
L V Gandhi

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