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Re: Capital letters replaced with indian rupee font in openoffice.org in squeeze.

On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 00:24:30 +0530, L V Gandhi wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Camaleón wrote:


>> 3/ Just in case, create a new system user, open a session with it and
>> see if the same happens from here.
>> If none of these make any difference you can start thinking in opening
>> a bug report. Are you using OpenOffice or LibreOffice? :-?

> First two options did not help.
> I added new user and from that user this problem was not there.
> Openoffice.org opened normal.
> Then how to diagnose the problem?

Hard to tell... I can think in two possible "culprits":

1/ User's desktop environment (GNOME, KDE...) settings
2/ Font config/cache

For 1/ you can try by "renaming" (*be very careful* here, I said "rename" 
not delete ;-) ) your GNOME's user profile, as this will regenerate all 
your current user's settings and configuration. The said folder in GNOME 
it should be under "~/.gnome2" and "~/.gnome". In KDE I can't tell for 

To check 2/ maybe you can refresh the fonts cache by running "fc-cache -
fv" command but to be sincere, I'm not sure if that can be of any help 
for your problem.

Note that both approaches are more "a shoot in the dark" than anything 
else. Maybe someone can tell you any other trick to bypass your OOo's 
font problem now that you have identified the source of the error.



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