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Re: How to partition and format external disk to ext3

Thanks Johannes and all responses. That's great help.



On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Johannes
Wiedersich<johannes@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> hce wrote:
>> I bought an external disk (1 BT) and I am only connecting it to a
>> Debian box, not window. Is it a good idea to re-fomat it by ext3?
> Yes. I consider ext3 to be more reliable than the vfat or ntfs that are
> typically used for preformated disks.
>>                                                                   Has
>> anyone done it?
> I guess there are millions of users who have formated ext3 before ;-)
>>  What is the procedure and commands to do it? Anything
>> I should be aware of not demage it?
> If there are no data on this disk, there is no danger of damaging it. If
> there are data you are concerned about, you should have a backup of that
> data.
> Just run 'mke2fs -j /dev/<name of the partition>'
> Make sure that you get <name of the partiton> right or you will reformat
> a different (important?) partition. <name of the partition> typically is
> something like 'sdb1'
> 'man mke2fs' has the documentation.
> Cheers,
> Johannes
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