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Re: What does support mean? (Re: Exim4 with a Goddady account)

Nate Bargmann wrote:
* Jerry Stuckle <jstuckle@attglobal.net> [2009 Jan 31 07:34 -0600]:

A bit late, but I've been unavailable.

When I need help configuring Exim, I look at the Exim mailing lists - just like I do any product.

In the README.Debian file it quite explicitly discusses that support
should be sought on the Debian list first and only afterward should the
upstream Exim list be consulted.  This is likely due to the Debian
configuration changes that have been made to the package.  Since I
wound up solving my configuration entirely within the framework of the
Debian configuration, asking on a Debian list was the proper avenue to
take, IMO.

I agree with this when the question has something to do with the Debian configuration of Exim.

However, the Debian packagers are NOT the experts on the packages themselves (unless the packager also wrote the code - which is not very often). The original developers are.

For the record, I checked the Debian Exim4 mailing list and it appeared
to have very low traffic and since I am already subscribed here, I
asked here.

I didn't say anthing about the Debian Exim4 mailing list.

I don't expect this to be a product support list.

There seems to be a lot of "product support" that takes place on this
list without issue.  Why some got upset about this thread is puzzling
to me.

- Nate >>

Maybe because people are bitching about there not being support - when they're asking in the wrong place, anyway.

Sure, there may be some product support here. But that still doesn't make it the best place to ask questions about the product.

I have in the past asked a number of questions on the Exim users mailing list, and gotten good answers every time.

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