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Re: Welcome to SI Network - Your Career, Your Country.

Uh, what the heck is this crap? I hope I'm not going to start getting spam through this list now....

On Sep 2, 2007, at 12:39 PM, SINET wrote:

 SiliconIndia - Tips to make best use of the network.

 Dear Debian ,

Thanks for becoming a SiliconIndia network. SiliconIndia site offers largest Content and Community networks for global professionals, entrepreneurs and students with interests in India. Your SiliconIndia Network account is activated, your account details are as follows:

User ID/ Email:  debian-user@lists.debian.org

Password: spammingcunts

Yup, it's spam. Someone needs to get the list off this....

Login at: http://www.siliconindia.com

The following tips will help you to get the most out of SiliconIndia network

Get networked: Using the My Network section in your account you can search the entire
SiliconIndia member community and ask members to join your network.

Messages: Once connected, you can interact with these members using messaging platform.

 Groups:  Create you groups to discuss topics of your interest.

Mentorship: Here is a chance for you to get featured on our homepage. Become a mentor to apprentice seeking guidance in career or academics or wish to guide another user to success in his/her professional life. We feature the active mentors on our homepage providing them visibility
across the network.

Blog: Here is another oppurtunity for you to be featured on SiliconIndia homepage. Blog on our site to publish your opinions, thoughts, experiences and discoveries to entire world wide web. Based on the content of a blog we will promote them on homepage to be read by thousands of visitors' each

Thanks once again for signing up. Have fun while helping build a smarter India.

 SiliconIndia Team

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

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