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Re: Gnome panel already running - error message

On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 09:06:47PM +0200, harry_b@mm.st wrote:
> Hi Preston,
> I am having the same problem. Did you find a solution for this issue yet?
> >After a recent update (I am running Unstable) I receive an error message
> >at GNOME startup that states that there is already a panel running.  Once
> >GNOME finishes starting it offers me a box to "ok", but how can I tell it
> >to only open one panel to begin with?  Where do I edit this configuration?

I have seen this happen. I fixed things by making sure the number of
panels in my session matched the number I wanted running.

Open up the gnome session editor and turn things off until they look
like what you want. Then save your session.



David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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