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Re: Getmail version 4 + spamassassin + procmail

Replying to my own message in case anyone cares, I've sorted out my
problems and got getmail and spamassassing working together properly.

For anyone who wants to do the same thing, here's what I did...

Installed getmail version 4 from

It's much nicer than fetchmail and I haven't lost mail with it like I
did with fetchmail. Just follow the instructions for the installation.

Install spamassassin and spamc packages. Something which had me stumped
for a while was that you have to actually enable spamd from the
spamassassin package. To do this edit /etc/default/spamassassin and set

Then you can start spamd with /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart.

I use procmail to filter the mail that's been spam filtered into
different folders based upon their spam rating. To use this you need to
create the folders in your Maildir (use your mail client to do this,
it's a lot easier). In my case I've created probably-spam and

My getmailrc and .procmailrc are attached.

Maybe this will be useful to somebody.

To run getmail automatically periodically, run:

crontab < getmail.cron

Joe Wrigley
Clockwork Software Systems

intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (www.inty.com)
MAILDIR = /home/joe/Maildir
LOGFILE = /home/joe/.procmaillog.txt

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes


*^List-Id: South Birmingham Linux User Group  <sb.mailman.lug.org.uk>

*^List-Id: Birmingham Perl Mongers mailing list <birmingham-pm.mail.pm.org>

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/getmail >/dev/null 2>&1
verbose = 2
read_all = true
delete = true
message_log = ~/.getmail/log

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server = mail.example.com
username = joe
password = password

type = Filter_external
path = /usr/bin/spamc

type = MultiDestination
destinations = ("[procmail-as-joe]",)

type = MDA_external
path = /usr/bin/procmail
arguments = ('~joe/.procmailrc', )
user = joe

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