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dvd & tv-out problem with X


Question I:

I've got this strange problem; tvout in X doesn't work any more -- works fine from shell though (i.e. `bashing' on tv works ;) ).

I have a ATI Radeon 7500 Mobile card on a Dell Inspiron laptop, running Debian unstable (up to date). I'm using the package atitvout to `attach' tv (command atitvout -f t)

The thing is, and the strange part, that everything worked fine a couple of days ago, Tuesday to be exact. So my guess is that some package, that has gotten updated since Tuesday, is causing this. Perhaps there's some really easy setting(s) that I have forgotten about?

Does anyone feel like taking a guess as to what package might be causing this / what settings I could try? I have a feeling it has something to do with X, not atitvout, but I could (very well) be wrong. Can you think of a package that might have something to do with this?

The only thing I've really added to Debian since then, is XFCE-4, including all recommended packages. (Don't see how that might have an effect?) *Everything looks fine, works fine*, except when looking at it through the tv. The commands I use to attach the tv is as they were when it worked, as is XF86Config-4 (I tried with a backup conf).

Question II:

This is a more trivial problem. I'm trying to play DVD's with my Samsung CD-RW/DVD -combo drive. Older DVD:s that I have work fine. Newer, however, all seem to `miss an ending' -- they just end abruptly, no credits, no nothing. Mplayer / xine just kind of state that `end of file', no more data.

At first I thought it was faulty DVD:s, but now after I've tried *six different ones*, all showing the same `symptoms', I'm starting to doubt that something else might be going on ... Anyone else experiencing something similar?

Have they started making DVD:s in some new way, creating DVD:s incompatible with my drive? (Samsung CD-RW/DVD-ROM SN-308B) Have I missed some mysterious settings? (Again, /has/ worked fine until now, never noticed any problems --- and still works fine with my /older/ DVD:s.)

Any ideas whatsoever?


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