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Re: help choosing kernel modules during installation

* Greg C. Madden (gomadtroll@gci.net) [020703 11:01]:
> On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 08:31, Armenteros Roberto wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >  I am new to debian and the first dificulty I found
> > was choosing the kernel modules i wanted to install
> > during the installation process. It gives me a whole
> > bunch of mudules but I dont get a clear description of
> > what they do. I really want to have an efficient
> > kernel, but I am affraid I am going to miss some
> > modules that would be useful to my system. Where can I
> > find a description of these modules or which of these
> > modules are a must? I would appreciate your help
> > during my transition from FreeBSD to Debian.
> > 
> > Thanks a lot, Roberto
> I don't have the answer you want, but, the modules will still be
> available for use after the install. They will be in
> '/lib/module/<kernel-version>' I believe during install the choice is
> for inclusion into the kernel or not.

This process is called "modconf". The modules you select are loaded
immediately and the appropriate config files are updated so that they
will be loaded each time the system boots.

Generally, you only need modules for hardware you have installed. For
example, a NIC or a sound card or something. If you need to add
something later, you can always run modconf again after completing your
install. I remember the first time I installed Debian I ended up
reinstalling it a few times because I didn't know how to re-call things
like modconf and dselect without just re-running the installer. (That
was my first Linux install, around 1997 or so. Since, I ran around the
block with RedHat and whatnot, but have happily returned to the One True

good times,
"Computer Science is no more about computers
than astronomy is about telescopes." -E.W. Dijkstra

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