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Re: Any way to recover files after partition corruption?

Andrew Agno wrote:

There are copies of the superblock on the disk--you probably saw some
messages when you formatted the disk.  To mount with a different
superblock, you can mount as ext2 and try:
mount -t ext2 sb=NNNN /dev/blah /somewhere Check the man page for mount and look for the sb= option for more
info.  I don't know where the default copies are.  Try mke2fs on some
other disk to see where the superblocks should be.
Which one of us were you answering?

In my case AFAICT only the first two super blocks from the new initialized (on top of my previously working partition) file system are there. In a few minutes I will have my program scan the copy I made of the partition to verify this. mount ... sb=n ... didn't like any of the superblocks I pointed it to.


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