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Re: Change number of characters displayed on line in text mode (tty0)?

on Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 05:59:29AM -0800, Abner Gershon (abner_gershon@yahoo.com) wrote:
> Is it possible and how to change to smaller font so higher number of
> characters are displayed on on line of my screen? 


> I am not using a gui. Is this application specific or will this change
> all applications on my console? 

All apps.

Three options:

 - Kernel 'vga' settings.  You can start by putting "vga=ask" in
   /etc/lilo.  You'll be prompted at boot for a vga mode (with
   resolution).  I usually shoot for 60x80.  This persists for your
   entire boot session.

 - SVGATextMode.  Multiple resolutions possible, can ge changed after
   boot.  Install the svgatextmode package.  Configure /etc/TextConfig.

 - framebuffer, as discussed above.  More flexible, though I've not
   gotten it working myself.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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