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Re: mutt and PGP query

On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 08:29:34PM -0600, Dean Allen Provins wrote:
> Hello:
> I have been trying to encrypt messages with PGP 6.5.8 when using mutt
> to no avail.  Signing, and decoding seem to work fine, but mutt
> cannot seem to locate the correct key for encoding.
> When sending (after indicating that I want the message encrypted), it
> asks if it should use keyID  = "0x9643AE65" for provinsd@telusplanet.net
> (my userid and address).  When I respond yes, it lists several
> choices.  Each has the correct Email adress, and my name, but none
> have the correct keyID.  In fact, these keyID's do not correspond to
> any in my public key file.
> No matter which I choose, PGP cannot encrypt because, as it says:
>   Cannot find the public key matching userid '0x72A1F430'
>   This user will not be able to decrypt this message.
>   Encryption error
> This isn't surprising, as the key is incorrect.
> For the record, the 'pgp_getkeys_command="pkspxycwrap %r"' doesn't work,
> as I don't have the script enabled, but then I figured as I'm using a
> public key that I already have, I shouldn't need a key caching proxy.
> Does any reader know where I'm going wrong?  I'd appreciate any and
> all input.
Maybe you can use GnuPG ?

It is a  patent-free alternative to PGP,
and works flawlessly with mutt in debian.

package name is 'gnupg'

> Thanks,
> Dean
> Calgary
> -- 
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	GPG key-id: 1024D/5BE3DCFD                 Dmitriy
	CCAB 5F17 A099 9E43 1DBE  295C 9A21 2F1C 5BE3 DCFD
	Adobe put Dmitry in jail for the crime against 
	society of revealing that they were selling 
	ROT-13 as "encryption." He is rotting in US prison 
	as a political prisoner for speaking out. 
	Free Dmitry Sklyarov!  http://www.freesklyarov.org

Attachment: pgpAMydionq3h.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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