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Re: Joysticks

Quoting Tom Allard (m1tca00@frb.gov):
> I just upgraded my Slink kernel from 2.0.34 to 2.2.10 and wanted to play 
> with the joystick drivers.  I've got a M$ Sidewinder (not a 3d pro or 
> anything, just a plain analog 2-button, 2-axis joystick that plugs into the 
> game module on the soundcard).
> I compiled the joystick module and created the js0 device with:


Which? You must compile at least two. In your case, that'd be
joystick and joy-analog.

>   mknod /dev/js0 c 15 0
> But jstest and jscal still can't talk to the joystick:
> # jstest /dev/js0
> jstest: Operation not supported by device
> # jscal /dev/js0
> jscal: can't open joystick device: Operation not supported by device
> What am I missing?

Perhaps you haven't inserted them?


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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