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Re: Kernal Upgrade and WINE questions

>> Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete?
>VMware is not Free software.  Not only is it not
free, >but it costs
>quite a bit!  And not only do you have to buy VMware,
>but you then ALSO
>need to buy your guest OS from Redmond.
>If you really need a full Windows setup, then VMware
>might be the
>answer for you, but it's not yet at the point where
it >can even make
>dual-booting obsolete for everyone since it does not
>support MIDI
>joysticks, or 3-D graphics cards.

>VMware is kinda heavy on the requirements side, too
>(minimum 96MB
>memory recommended).  If you just need to run an app
>or two, VMware is

If you are ALLREADY dual booting windows 95/98/NT and
need the windows environment then VMWARE makes some
sense since you already own the windows licence.  If
you are constantly rebooting to switch applications
then it makes even more sense.  However if your goal
is to replace windows with linux but want to run a few
of your old windows apps it would make more sense to
first try them under wine, or replace them with linux
native versions (where available).  With Corel now in
the wine camp, I would expect the usability of wine to
make a huge leapfrog in the next year or so.

rgds-- TA  (tallard@frb.gov)
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doesn't speak for me.

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