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Re: PPP to ISP

Stephen.Murphy@aspex.co.uk (Stephen.Murphy@aspex.co.uk) wrote:

> I have set up a PPP connection to my ISP (Freeserve in UK).
> Connection gets established OK - ifconfig shows it's up


> and
> routing tables have sensible entries.

Please show us the routing table.

> However I am only able to successfully ping the IP address
> at the other end of the PPP connection. 

Normally I'd suspect a routing table problem, but....

> If I ping anything else - despite the fact that my modem
> lights seem to indicate a packet is returned - ping insists
> that no packets have been received. 
> Could this be another inadvertant firewall problem?

That's possible.  Are you using ipfwadm or ipchains or ipmasq?  If so,
include relevant configuration scripts.

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
wooledge@kellnet.com             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers,
http://www.kellnet.com/wooledge/ |

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