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Re: Slink to Potato

Damir J. Naden (dnaden@inforamp.net) wrote:

> I'm asking this because when I install (by ignoring libc6
> =>2.1 dependancy) imagemagick or xfig from potato on a slink system
> (along with whatever they depend on- the dpkg is installing them
> cleanly), all I get is segfaults galore. That indicates that whatever is
> compiled against glibc2.1 will _not_ work on glibc2.0 based system. Or
> what am I doing wrong?

This is correct.  Applications compiled with libc X.Y will generally *not*
run on systems with libc X.Z, if Z < Y.

> I have also heard that slink bash will fail with glibc2.1 (segfault); so
> how do I update libc6 to potato (using dpkg line, _not_ apt) without
> breaking the system? 

I don't recall any weird bash problems when I upgraded libc6.  If you
feel paranoid and don't want to use apt-get, then you can install all of
libc6, ld.so and bash at once with one dpkg command.  (Add more packages,
like libc6-dev, if necessary.  I don't know the whole dependency tree
by heart.)

Greg Wooledge                    | Distributed.NET http://www.distributed.net/
wooledge@kellnet.com             | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste.
http://www.kellnet.com/wooledge/ |

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