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Pollywog <pollywog@shadypond.com> writes:
> On 01-Jul-99 Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've downloaded GUILGNL0.GZ (WP8 language module).
> > Now I want to try to extract it.
> > I've tried, tar -xzvf .............., and gunzip ................ .
> > In both cases I got the message: not a gzip format.
> > How is this possible and what is the way to extract GUILGNL0.GZ !!!
> > 
> > HTH
> Are you certain you really competed the download?

And set binary mode before the transfer? Doesn't usually matter on
Unix->Unix transfers, but it can make a difference if the remote isn't 
a Unix system. Also, it's possible that the file got corrupted during
the download. Again, not something that happens often, but it does


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