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ISDN is still teasing

Some time ago I posted a question concerning making ISDN to work in Germany.

I'm in Italy so I don't have hands on - however I was in Germany last Sunday and made some progress.

Here is the output of /var/log/isdn.log and /var/log/isdn/isdnlog:


Apr  1 00:09:13 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918153|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|
Apr  1 00:11:10 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918270|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|
Apr  1 00:13:14 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918394|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|
Apr  1 00:16:45 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918605|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|
Apr  1 00:16:57 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918617|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|
Apr  1 00:17:05 1999|+494833424117   |+491901011      |    0|         0| 922918625|   -1|O| 16|
0|         0|3.1|7|0|0.121|DM|0|-01|


isdnlog Version 3.00 loaded
(ISDN subsystem with ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS > 16 detected - 2 active channels, 3 MSN/SI entries)
(Data versions: iprofd=0x04  net_cfg=0x05  /dev/isdninfo=0x01)
(HiSax driver detected)
Mar 31 23:59:26 tei 77 calling ? with ?  HANGUP  ()
Mar 31 23:59:44 tei 77 calling ? with ?  Time:Wed Mar 31 21:59:00 1999
Mar 31 23:59:44 tei 77 calling ? with ?  CONNECT
Apr 01 00:08:35 tei 77 calling ? with ?  HANGUP (54 EH DM   6.53  0:08:51)  ()
Apr 01 00:09:12 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:09:20 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:09:20 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP
Apr 01 00:11:10 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:11:18 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:11:18 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP
Apr 01 00:13:14 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:13:22 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:13:22 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP
Apr 01 00:16:45 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:16:53 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:16:53 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP
Apr 01 00:16:56 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:17:04 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:17:04 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP
Apr 01 00:17:05 * tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49
4833/424117, Wesselburen  RING (Data)
Apr 01 00:17:13 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  Normal call clearing (User)
Apr 01 00:17:13 tei 123 calling +49 1901/011, Service 190 (DM 1,20/Minute) with +49 4833/424117,
Wesselburen  HANGUP

As I can see it the call is made - but the for some case it hangs up. I've checked

/etc/isdn/ippp0 and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets for user name provider and password and they seem to be OK.

(One thing that surprises me a bit is the DM 1.20/Minute - hopefully this is not correct).


Karsten Bolding,
CEC - Joint Research Centre, ISPRA      Direct: +39 0332 789314
Space Applications Institute            Sec.    +39 0332 789177
Marine Environment Unit, TP690          FAX:    +39 0332 789034
I-21020 Ispra(VA) - Italy               E-mail: karsten.bolding@jrc.it

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