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Re: pcmcia install

>>>>> "jan" == Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jan@digicash.com> writes:
    > Now i wanted to install it on my notebook at home; the
    > easiest way would be via my pcmcia network card and nfs; or
    > otherwise via zip drive.  But i guess debian doesn't do
    > either (i guess i could try to install debian base from
    > floppies --- duh), while redhat easily supports pcmcia
    > stuff.

This is not at all true.  Debian supports ftp and nfs
installation methods and easily supports pcmcia stuff I've
installed it on several laptops and found it quite easy to
install via pcmcia ethernet card.  I suggest going about it this

- install the base system from the floppy images

- copy (with another handy floppy) the pcmcia-cs and
  pcmcia-modules packages to your laptop

- Install them with `dpkg --install pcmcia-cs_<version>.deb' and
  `dpkg --install pcmcia-modules_<version>.deb'

- edit /etc/pcmcia/network.opts to match your network

- use dselect to finish the installation, either using an nfs
  mounted volume of ftp.

Regards, Mike

Michael A. Miller                                miller5@uiuc.edu
  Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  PGP public key available on request

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