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Q: How to add helpers on Netscape which require a file as input

Using Netscape 4.0b5.  I need to add maplay as the MPEG helper 
app.  HOWEVER, just adding the application does nothing.  The
online help in netscape and at the web site doesn't tell me how
to tell helper applications where to find the temporary file.

What I suspect is happening is that netscape downloads the .mpeg file
and stores is in its cache area under some temporary file name.
It is then up to the user adding the helper app to supply an incantation
with a %X macro character which is then expanded by netscape to
produce a valid shell command.  I tried %f (filename) but it didn't

Does anyone know how to do this stew??

Also, is anyone working on using menus to do a bulk add of helper 
apps to netscape??

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