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Re: choosing a linux distribution

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Chuma Agbodike wrote:

> > Actually, Debian requires zero disks for installation. It can be
> > installed directly from a bootable cd-rom (if you have a machine
> > capable of booting from CD).
> What makes a machine bootable from CD-ROM drive ? Or is there
> something I can do to make my DC-ROM drive bootable?

if your motherboard's bios supports booting from CD then you can boot
from a cd drive. if not, then you can't.

if it's really important to you, then you'll have to upgrade your
motherboard (or upgrade the bios if you have a flash upgradeable one -
unlikely, most of those can already boot from CD drives)


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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