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xdm has no "@" sign

Hi all,

I've got some Linux boxes around here at university and a few days ago one
user came complaining to me that he was unable to produce an "@"-sign in the
xlogin widget on xdm that he uses in his password.

I tried to check out all the configs, specially the xmodmap and the xkb
section in XF86Config. The machine has an german 102 keyboard and is
configured correctly. After login, everything is well, too. 

I also asked Mark Eichin, the package maintainer for xbase. He hadn't any
idea too, because the "@"-sign worked on his (US-) keyboard properly. 

So maybe someone here on debian-user has a german keyboard with a working
"@"-sign on xdm login and can tell me how to configure this?!?


                              Christian Kauhaus
                      University of Rostock, Dept of CS
    Linux-Sysadmin on      |                    WWW-Homepage
catalina   patmos   paxi   |   http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~ckauhaus

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