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Re: questions about new releases

> How much faster? If it's a lot faster, it might be worth trying.
this is from the PGCC faq

4.2 How much improvement?

  Speed improvements range from 2% to 30% (rare), but the current compiler does 
not enable all opts by default since many of them are unstable. However, the 
hand-compiled gzip on our www-site is very fast. I don't time everything 
I compile. Normally, you can get about 5% (at least) with -O3 on EVERY 
program (all times co mpared to standard GNU cc). 
  GZIP-1.24 is 25% (MAX) faster on unzipping, and with some experimental 
versions of PGCC, its 35% faster! 
  Of course, your mileage may vary, but you should always get a speed
improvement over standard GNU cc. Additionally, the files produced with PGCC are 5-20% smaller than
than standard counterparts, because the
  PGCC does not throw vast amounts of alignments and nops into the code, 
as GNU cc does! 

again the pgcc group has stated that it is not yet completely stable but
if you'd like to know more go their webpage:


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