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Re: Debian 1.2.5: Configure PPP

Many thanks to the folks who pointed out that the ppp device is called
ppp{0,1,2,..} . It was useful to know

I also didn't spot that there is now a PPP Howto

However my real problem turned out to be that my dip script was setting
the data rate too high! }:-(

Anyway earth.demon.co.uk is now running 2.0.27 and is back on the net!

Alec Clews,  <alec@consulting.tca.co.uk>,         TCA Consulting Ltd
Tel:44-(0)171-415-8159   Fax:44-(0)171-556-0022, PGP keyid:48FA EB81
New City Court, 20 St Thomas Street, London, Britain, SE1 9SD
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