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Re: Netscape 3.01 libc5_5.4.7 crashes

The reason that netscape and a few other applications crash is because 
their malloc statments are buggy.  It is not a bug in libc5.4.7, but in 
netscape.  However, since this is a problem we are including the old malloc
in the libc package, and people who are going to run netscape will have a 
script that will have netscape use the malloc instead of the normal one 
in libc5.4.7.  However, we do want the libc5.4.7 malloc because it is so 
much faster from what I have heard, and the libc5.4.7 fixes long standing 
security bugs.

Shaya Potter

On Wed, 6 Nov 1996, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> My installation is up-to-date with unstable.
> Since I installed libc5_5.4.7 (and Netscape 3.01), Netscape almost
> always crashes on this page:
>    http://www.amdahl.com
> probably because of the Java Applet.
> I know this was discussed just recently. It seems the options
> are to disable Java in Netscape or downgrade to an older libc.
> Are there other options?
> Some questions:
> 1) If I downgrade to an older libc, what happens to other packages
> that depend on newer libc versions?
> 2) Doesn't Debian 1.2, just frozen the other day, contain this
> libc version? With all the complaints with libc, isn't 1.2 bound
> to be poorly received?
> ...RickM...
> --
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