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Re: Mail is messed up!!

Hmmm, I seem to have the same problems even after NOT moving anything. I made
a mistake and ended up downloading several things from unstable and after
that elm cannot read mail and tkmail cannot write lock files in
/var/spool/mail.  I too have tried everything that I know of as far as 
permissions go to no avail.

Any help here would be really nice. Pine seems to work fine, BTW.

In article <m0vJAAx-00035fC@deathstar>,
	pitts2@memphisonline.com (Stephen Pitts) writes:
> --f2P==9pricKk5mwQ
> I managed to totally mess up my mail spools while moving my Debian 
> system to anothe hard drive. Several other things were also messed

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