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Re: static vs. dynamic - gimp

David_Oswald@prenhall.com writes:
>      gimp-dmotif (dynamic)
>      vs.
>      gimp-smotif (static)


>      I would like to know :
>         q1 - how do I know if I can use the static version?
>         q2 - given a choice between both, what version would be "better or
>              faster ...". Are there any pros and/or cons to choosing one or 
>              the other when both are valid options for a given machine 
>      (i.e..         speed vs. size ... )?

The "problem" here is that Motif is commercial software, with a licence that
restricts certain kinds of distribution.  If Motif were free (and there are
efforts in progress to write a free version), then there would only be one
version of Gimp available - the dynamic one.

In brief:
	Have Motif licence         ->  Use dynamic version
	Do not have Motif licence  ->  Use static version or buy licence

The dynamic/static refers to how the program is linked with the Motif
libraries.  Dynamic means it is done at run-time, static means it is done at
compile-time.  Dynamic means the executable is much smaller, both on disk
(it need not include a copy of the library) and in memory (it can share a
copy of the library with other processes), but requires the user to have the
Motif libraries installed on their system.  Static means the executable is
much larger on disk, and cannot share a copy of the library in memory, but
means a user without the Motif libraries can run it.

This what I understand of how the licensing works (somebody please correct
me if I'm wrong).  To be able to use the dynamic version, you must have the
Motif libraries installed, which means you must have purchased a Motif
licence, because the libraries may not be distributed in standalone form.
However, the libraries may be distributed if they are statically linked in
with a program (which means they can't be re-linked with another program).
This licensing scheme means that developers are not discouraged from using
Motif for development (they can distribute a version which users can use
even without a Motif licence), but it also encourages users to obtain a
Motif licence (their programs will be able to share one copy of the library
on disk and in memory).


Warwick Harvey                                    email: warwick@cs.mu.OZ.AU
Department of Computer Science                        phone: +61-3-9287-9171
University of Melbourne                                 fax: +61-3-9348-1184
Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3052     web: http://www.cs.mu.OZ.AU/~warwick

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