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re:post-release package update policy

On Mon, 23 Oct 95 14:31:05 -0500, "Debian Linux" <debian-user@pixar.com> wrote:
> Look I know this issue has ramifications for mirror sites, CD makers, and
> developers. But, if you want to attract new people to Debian, you need to
> have "A Product" that we can come and get, not a constantly changing
> collection of packages.

Having some means of identifying a "stable" release is of _prime_ consideration
for myself. My computer club's BBS contains a "snapshot" of Debian. As the
club's maintainer of Debian, I want to be assured that when someone downloads
a copy of Debian from the BBS, that person has a 99.999% success rate at the 
installation of Debian from scratch. It does not have to be bleeding edge
technology. I expect a stable, upgradable Linux, not the Slackware follies!

> I appologize if I sound a little cranked up but I am....  :-}

No apologies necessary, Dale. As you can see, there are other with the same
point of view 8-)

I propose that the "Packages" listing be frozen as the official list of a 
release. Thus it would be the necessary "snapshot" showing which packages
are guaranteed to work together as a release. I also propose that a second
"Packages-update" listing be formulated and maintained on all Debian sites.
This text file would show the "bleeding edge" packages as well as the 
"bug-fix" packages. The "Packages-update" list would be constantly updated
as packages are updated. It would also show "new" packages which have been
added to the Debian release.

* Thomas Kocourek      KD4CIK        *
* UUCP: dragon!westgac3!tomk         *
* INTERNET: tomk@westgac3.dragon.com *

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