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Re: Can't find module eata

>Sorry, /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/modules.dep .
>I'm under some pressure and liable to mike misteaks :-) .

Well, it's not "He who dies with the most toys wins" (He who dies with the
most toys is dead.) but "He who can play with the most toys wins", and from
what I can see you are farther down the track in that race than most of the
rest of us (myself included) and we all benifit from your complex juggling,
even when you drop a ball.

Now back to our story...(or that's enough mixed metaphors for one day)

The modules.dep file had no reference for the location of eata.o and when I
added one I still got the error at boot up. Is there a location preference
for the new line? (I added it to the end of the file)
How does the system know it should be looking for eata.o if there is no
entry in modules.dep? (I know that I asked for it during installation, I
mean, where else is the information that tells the kernel which modules to
load in the first place?)
YHS, Dale

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