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Re: Problemas con disco Qcow

skeksix wrote, On 14/02/13 21:38:
> Hola,
> Antonio Insuasti Recalde wrote, On 14/02/13 19:07:
>> Estimados todos,
>> Primero antes que nada que tengan un lindo dia de San Valentin o del Amor y la
>> Amistad dependiendo de la region.
>> Por otro lado les comento que tengo un Asterisk sobre un Debian virtualizado. El
>> servidor Base (KVM) se esta quedando sin espacio en Disco Duro y se me ocurrio
>> borar las grabaciones que realiza el asterisk  pero el disco de la maquina
>> virtual al borrar no redujo su espacio ya que es qcow2. 
>> Mi pregunta es si ustedes saben como puedo reducir el disco duro de la maquina
>> virtual
>> para que la maquina base tenga mas espacia en disco.
>> Pensé en convertir el disco de qcow2 a raw y otra vez a qcow2 pero  en ese caso
>> no tendría espacio, hay alguna forma o me pueden ayudar a encontrar una manera
>> Les agradezco de antemano su ayuda
> Aquí te dan una idea, pero no se si funcionará (no lo he probado):
> http://blog.marcelofernandez.info/2010/08/achicando-imagenes-de-maquinas-virtuales-kvm-qcow2/
> ciao
>> Saludos

Un colega también me habla de zerofree, que tiene mucha mejor pinta:


$ apt-cache show zerofree
Package: zerofree
Version: 1.0.2-1
Installed-Size: 14
Maintainer: Thibaut Paumard <paumard@users.sourceforge.net>
Architecture: amd64
Depends: e2fslibs (>= 1.37), libc6 (>= 2.3.4)
Description-en: zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems
 Zerofree finds the unallocated blocks with non-zero value content in
 an ext2, ext3 or ext4 file-system and fills them with zeroes
 (zerofree can also work with another value than zero). This is mostly
 useful if the device on which this file-system resides is a disk
 image. In this case, depending on the type of disk image, a secondary
 utility may be able to reduce the size of the disk image after
 zerofree has been run. Zerofree requires the file-system to be
 unmounted or mounted read-only.
 The usual way to achieve the same result (zeroing the unused
 blocks) is to run "dd" do create a file full of zeroes that takes up
 the entire free space on the drive, and then delete this file. This
 has many disadvantages, which zerofree alleviates:
  * it is slow;
  * it makes the disk image (temporarily) grow to its maximal extent;
  * it (temporarily) uses all free space on the disk, so other
    concurrent write actions may fail.
 Zerofree has been written to be run from GNU/Linux systems installed
 as guest OSes inside a virtual machine. If this is not your case, you
 almost certainly don't need this package. (One other use case would
 be to erase sensitive data a little bit more securely than with a
 simple "rm").
Homepage: http://intgat.tigress.co.uk/rmy/uml/index.html
Description-md5: 262e6e46f0838142d423e7e4b5195bfe
Tag: admin::filesystem, implemented-in::c, role::program
Section: admin
Priority: extra
Filename: pool/main/z/zerofree/zerofree_1.0.2-1_amd64.deb
Size: 8398
MD5sum: c1b30bf2a342c1b814ecf95f7641412e
SHA1: 310572ca113352a7c2849e624902843d2a345c17
SHA256: 86ebf03dd9fe9cdbdea1858a334f6d22be889aedece096d31454840affb2e035


>> -- 
>> Antonio Insuasti R.
>> IBM “Linux System Administrator” #ECUSFQ00228
>> dCap. #2071
>> ECE. #200571804 – #200576560
>> Mobile:(593) 087536110
>> P.E-mail: antonio@insuasti.ec <mailto:antonio@insuasti.ec>
>> identi.ca/twiiter <http://identi.ca/twiiter>: @wolfantec

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