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problema con gnash

Hola lista,

Ante todo decir que soy nuevo aquí en la lista, y que llevo unos días
mirando y la verdad que me he dado cuenta de que funciona genial...

Bueno quería hacer unas preguntitas sobre gnash, probablemente alguien
sepa que pasa. Tengo instalada gnash versión 0.8.1 con su
correspondiente plugin para iceweasel, y cuando intento abrir una
especie de presentación flash con sonidos y palabras escritas por
ejemplo en este link
( http://contenidos.educarex.es/mci/2003/33/programa/tipo5sem7.html )
pues ni suena el sonido, ni salen las palabras... y me da repetido para
cada caracter escrito este error:

10661] 18:54:38: ERROR: Could not create shape glyph for character code
100 (d) with device font Arial (0x8243340)
10661] 18:54:38: ERROR: Could not create shape glyph for character code
32 ( ) with device font Arial (0x8243340)
10661] 18:54:38: ERROR: Could not create shape glyph for character code
114 (r) with device font Arial (0x8243340)
10661] 18:54:38: ERROR: Could not create shape glyph for character code
105 (i) with device font Arial (0x8243340)
10661] 18:54:38: ERROR: Could not create shape glyph for character code
103 (g) with device font Arial (0x8243340)

Otro problema es cuando intento ver algo de youtube, según tengo
entendido debería de funcionar... pero por desgracia no me funciona...
aqui os posteo el error log...


8103] 00:57:28: Setting base URL to
8103] 00:57:28: No rendering flags specified, using rcfile
8103] 00:57:28: DEBUG: gnash::media::sound_handler*
gnash::media::create_sound_handler_gst() enter
8103] 00:57:29: DEBUG: Base url set to:
8103] 00:57:29: version = 8, file_length = 160
8103] 00:57:29: UNIMPLEMENTED: SWF8 is not fully supported, trying
anyway but don't expect it to work
8103] 00:57:29: file is compressed
8103] 00:57:29: Finite range (0,0 20,20)
8103] 00:57:29: frame rate = 12,000000, frames = 1
8103] 00:57:29: SWF[16]: tag type = 69, tag length = 4, end tag = 22
8103] 00:57:29:   file attributes: has_metadata=false use_network=false
8103] 00:57:29: UNIMPLEMENTED: FileAttributes tag in the SWF requests
that network access is not granted to this movie (or application?) when
loaded from the filesystem. Anyway Gnash won't care; use white/black
listing in your .gnashrc instead
8103] 00:57:29: SWF[22]: tag type = 9, tag length = 3, end tag = 27
8103] 00:57:29:   SetBackgroundColor: rgba: 255, 255, 255, 255
8103] 00:57:29: SWF[27]: tag type = 12, tag length = 123, end tag = 156
8103] 00:57:29: tag 12: do_action_loader
8103] 00:57:29: -- actions in frame 0
8103] 00:57:29: SWF[156]: tag type = 1, tag length = 0, end tag = 158
8103] 00:57:29:   show_frame
8103] 00:57:29: DEBUG: Global instance list grew to 1 entries
8103] 00:57:29: SWF[158]: tag type = 0, tag length = 0, end tag = 160
8096] 00:57:30: DEBUG: Global instance list grew to 134 entries
8096] 00:57:30: DEBUG: notifying Stage listeners about a resize
8096] 00:57:30: DEBUG: The rootdir is: /
8096] 00:57:30: SECURITY: Opening SharedObject
file: /tmp//videostats.sol
8096] 00:57:30: SECURITY: empty SOL file, "/tmp//videostats.sol",
8096] 00:57:30: DEBUG: notifying Stage listeners about a resize
8096] 00:57:30: ERROR: NetStream playback halted; module ffdemux_flv0
reported: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file
a bug.

8096] 00:57:31: DEBUG: gnash::as_value gnash::xml_sendandload(const
gnash::fn_call&) enter
8096] 00:57:31: UNIMPLEMENTED: sendAndLoad
8096] 00:57:31: ERROR: NetStream playback halted; module ffdemux_flv1
reported: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file
a bug.

Bueno si alguien tiene idea de que debo hacer le estaría muy
agradecido... Muchísimas gracias de antemano.....


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