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Bug#1024997: install-info: dir entry for emacs is bolloxed

Am 28.11.2022 um 15:41 teilte Barak A. Pearlmutter mit:

Hi Barak,

Note the strange characters here that mess up the entry:

$ cat -v /usr/share/info/dir | egrep -2 '[(]emacs[)]'
* Magit: (magit).               Using Git from Emacs with Magit.
* With-Editor: (with-editor).   Using the Emacsclient as $EDITOR.
^ZM-^L}[^EM-^KM-6M-bd^E* Emacs: (emacs).               The extensible self-documenting text editor.
* Emacs FAQ: (efaq).            Frequently Asked Questions about Emacs.
* Haskell Mode: (haskell-mode). Haskell Development Environment for Emacs(en)

I've uploaded texinfo 7.0 to experimental. Could you test if that
eventually solves the issue?


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