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Bug#990380: texlive-binaries: pstricks \rput item placement incorrect (xdvipdfmx?)

Thanks for looking at this!

I can confirm that everything seems to be OK in the latest testing versions, so things look fine going forward.

As for Debian bullseye/stable (which I think is out of scope by now, but others finding this bug may want some info), back-porting ghostscript 9.55.0 to bullseye doesn't help. The easiest fix I've found for bullseye is pinning/forcing ghostscript to the latest buster binary (9.27~dfsg-2+deb10u5 at the time of this writing).

Thanks for following up and I'm glad it will all work well in bookworm!

 - Dean

On 1/16/22 5:56 PM, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
> Am 27.06.2021 um 23:14 teilte Dean Serenevy mit:
> Hi Dean,
> I had a look at the link you posted. It says that the issue is caused by a broken ghostscript version. Currently I'm failing to reproduce the issue using Debian unstable and
> hille@sid:~ $ gs --version
> 9.55.0
> I've used xpdf to have a look at the generated pdf file. Do you still see the issue?
> Hilmar
>> The behavior appears to be the same problem reported in [1], in that
>> compiling the stack overflow document produces the same incorrect output
>> shown on the site. Though the comments on that post suggest that the
>> problem was a known issue and would be fixed in texlive 2020 (which is
>> the version in bullseye). The comments in that posting claim the problem
>> was in xdvipdfmx which is why I am filing this bug against
>> texlive-binaries.
>> [1] https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/516100/problem-with-rput-command-with-xelatex-and-pstricks

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