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Re: Please enable people to help you in packaging


>> As said, I have the tendency to close *every* bug with no activity
>> for more than 6month, it is just a waste of time.
> Eh, no, you do not.

That was a statement about the future, which was clear also from the following:

>> I hardly use BTS, as said, for TeX Live, since there are too many
>> bug hindering the view onto real problems, most of which are not 
>> real bugs or are simply wontfix (due to whatever reason)

I don't do anything for now with the BTS because its a pain.

> The problem with so many bugs is that you won't get any help like
> that. Nobody is willing to wade through 10 year old bug reports just to
> find out that they were marked wontfix 8 years ago.

And nobody wants to wade through bug reports and check whether they have been fixed.

I pick my bugs I am interested from the mailing list, and forget about the rest.


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