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Bug#470433: texlive-omega: Segfault in ovp2ovf

Martin Schröder a écrit :
2008/3/11, Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de>:
Is this an official fix from the tex-k list?

The "official fix" would probably include the strong recommendation to
migrate to OpenType, i.e. use XeTeX or luaTeX. :-)

I'm using LuaTeX ;)

The segfault I have is on


Yannis Haralambous and Arthur Reutenauer told me this ovp was good. The fix is almost official as Arthur Reutenauer gave it to me. According to him it is an old fix that is still not included in some distros, so I'm going to ask Yannis Haralambous to send the fix to the texlive team.


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