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Re: texlive and asymptote

Michele B. wrote:
> On 8/22/07, Ralf Stubner <ralf.stubner@web.de> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 01:07 +0200, Michele B. wrote:
>> > I am sorry if this is not the right place to post but I dont know
>> > where else I should post it. I am using texlive 2007-11 from the
>> > repositories. Just updated two days ago all texlive. When I pdftex my
>> > texfile with included some asymptote environments it generates a wrong
>> > *.asy file I guess. This is the beginning of the generated asy file:
>> Can you please provide us with a minimal example file. I just tried
>> latexusage.tex that comes with asymptote, and that works with both
>> latex and pdflatex.
> Sure, sorry. I noticed another thing but I dont know if it might be
> useful. The latex and pdflatex and pdftex are all links to
> /usr/bin/pdftex. Dont know if that is normal.

Nowadays this is normal. This allows things like microtype.sty to be used
in conjunction with latex (ie, dvi-production).

> Here is an example latex
> file which gives the same error:
> \documentclass[a4paper,twoside]{book}
> \usepackage{ngerman}
> \usepackage[latin 1]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}

I am pretty sure that this is the problem. Essentially you are lying to
latex. You want a dvi-file but you load the driver for pdf-production.
Leave out this option (in most cases graphicx the right thing
automatically) and your problems will most likely go away (sorry, I cannot
test it right now).

> \usepackage{graphics}

Unnecessary since it is loaded by graphicx.sty.


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