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Re: cm-super-minimal (was: The Russian issue)

Hi Norbert,

Norbert Preining wrote:
> Big families, all these fonts are available in X, all go into minimal


> CM Bright familiy, available to X, and go into minimal


> Other fonts I don't know whether I should put them into minimal, or not.
> The good thing if we put them into -minimal, too is that we don't have
> to split the X configuration, so cm-super-x11 could depend on
> cm-super-minimal!

Having cm-super-x11 depend only on cm-super-minimal would be a good thing.
Hence it makes sense to put everything, that is made available for X11
into cm-super-minimal. Actually one could also imagine that
cm-super-minimal allready makes all fonts available to X11, so that the
separate cm-super-x11 would become unnecessary.

> The following are all NOT available for X, and will stay in cm-super
> (the full one):


> Is this waht you suggested (besides the 5 fonts above for the -x11 on
> -mininmal dep)?



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