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Re: Debian Bug#338046: whizzytex: einitex unavailable from tetex and no longer functions.

Junichi Uekawa <dancer@netfort.gr.jp> wrote:

> Hi,
> anyway, the following changes will be applied to Debian whizzytex default
> configuration to work around the problem.

... and cause a new one sooner or later.

> -FMT=efmt
> +FMT=fmt

As I said previously, and as it is documented in the Debian TeX Policy
Draft, the format should not be hardcoded.  As you found out, the code I
gave to you gives a wrong result on sarge, but that is a bug in the
sarge teTeX packages that is fixed in sid, and you can rely on it not to
reoccurr:  We introduced it deliberately to work around other package's
bugs in sarge, but we won't do this again, but instead refer those
packages to the TeX Policy.

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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