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Bug#337073: tex-common doesn't install (can't chmod ls-R file)

On 03.11.05 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:


> > I can reproduce that bug. But only if I have configured debconf to
> > ask me the low questions too and selecting var at the first question
> > (BTW: Selecting cache is said to be the default, but it's not
> > selected).
> > When calling dpkg --pending --configure a second time the
> > configuration succeeds. The file in question however still does not
> > exist....
> Can you describe exactly what you were doing,
1. dpkg-reconfigure debconf, tell him you want to see all questions.
2. dpkg -i tex-common (0.9), select the ls-R file in var.

After all config files have been created the install bombs out with
the error message. A second "dpkg --pending --configure" solves the

> including what system you were starting from?
etch without any traces of teTeX.

> I just tried in a pbuilder environment, and it didn't give an
> error...
Sorry, I did not try on unstable.

sigmentation fault

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