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Re: CVS frank tetex-base: complete the renaming by removing old named files (now 10tetex-base.cfg)


teTeX CVS <jdg-tetex-cvs@debian.org> wrote:

> Log message:
>     complete the renaming by removing old named files (now 10tetex-base.cfg)

Is my understanding correct if I say that the former 00updmap.cfg is now
called 10tetex-base.cfg?

I am asking because update-updmap has a sanity check that causes it to
abort when 00updmap.cfg is missing. If I understood your message
correctly, it means this should be changed... but you've probably
already figured it out when testing the packages.

OTOH, maybe 00updmap.cfg is now shipped by tetex-common, and required,
in which case the sanity check should probably stay as it is.


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