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Bug#284469: "cp -a" fails on some filesystems, causing postinst failure

tags 284469 -patch
merge 257075 284469

Chad Miller <Chad.Miller@veritas.com> wrote:

> In /usr/sbin/update-texmf , line 88,
> cp -a ${MD5SUMS} ${TMPTXMF}.md5sum.d
> may be made into 
> cp -dr --preserve=mode,ownership ${MD5SUMS} ${TMPTXMF}.md5sum.d
> ...leaving out "archive", which may cause "cp" to fail.

This is not a bug in tetex-bin. Every decent filesystem should be able
to set timestamps. This is a bug in the kernel - most probably you have
installed from somebody's (Eduard Bloch's?) inofficial install images
with xfs support, and these images used a kernel version with buggy ACL
implementation in XFS.

By the way, you could have easily found that out yourself, by going to
the tetex-bin bugs page,
and looking through the bugs - or just search for the string "cp".

As I said, this is not a bug in tetex, but it's also not a bug in any
kernel image released by Debian. Therefore we are not able to assign
this to an other package.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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