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Re: language.dat: Should we just enable all the patterns?

From: frank@kuesterei.ch (Frank Küster)
Subject: Re: language.dat: Should we just enable all the patterns?
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 16:12:05 +0100

> Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> schrieb:
> > Hi Frank, please take it easy.
> Oh, I'm taking it easy. It's just that Hilmar and I had this discussion
> in de.comp.text.tex with Walter Schmidt (author of VTeX/free[1] and the
> PS-font-guru in the group). He strongly argued for enabling all patterns
> and couldn't imagine any reason why not to do this.

I see.  I'm neutral at the moment but would like
to comment a bit from my quick look.

- it seemed english should always be defined but
  it could be an alias for american or british.  
  I don't know how they differ but IMHO it could be
  a problem.

- there are some languages which provide multiple
  hyphenation patterns like norsk, ukrainian.
  Especially, ukrainian seems to use only one of
  candidates.  I might be wrong but with all candidates
  enabled "texconfig init" showed an error message
  `tex -ini -jobname=latex -progname=latex latex.ini' possibly failed.
  though latex.fmt seemed generated.                  ^^^^^^^^

- jlatex (of jtex-bin) caused error with dutch and
  magyar at first trial, and further, after commenting
  out these in language.dat, it failed to generate jlatex.fmt 
  with an error;

  (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/hyphen/nohyphb.tex Norsk hyphenation patterns
  ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pattern memory ops=1501].
  l.1422 .u2r2i

  If you really absolutely need more capacity,
  you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

Though I'm not sure but even if foo.fmt could be
successfully generated I'm afraid when one trys to process
a normal file (i.e. not so large nor with not so many 
macros) with foo.fmt, one could get TeX capacity exceeded error.

> Unfortunately, I wasn't able
> to read the documentation - xdvi segfaults after some font errors, and
> dvips doesn't generate output. Brr.

Ah, this is completely different issue.  You need xdvik-ja
and dvipsk-ja to read the documentation but if you installed
these it would be difficult for you to find out problems
of tetex-bin (i.e. xdvi or dvips) because xdvi and dvips
would call binaries of xdvik-ja and dvipsk-ja but not of 

Regards,			2004-3-2(Tue)

 Debian Developer & Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@debian.org>
 Department of Math., Univ. of Tokushima

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