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Bug#227398: hyperref destroys hyphenation of ToC

Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> schrieb:

> On 12.01.04 Juhapekka Tolvanen (juhtolv@cc.jyu.fi) wrote:
> Hi,
>> But I use hyperref and run that LaTeX-doc through vanilla
>> latex-command, all hyphenation disappears from Table of Contents
>> and I get more Overfull box-warnings. I load it like this:
>> \usepackage[a4paper,dvips]{hyperref}
> If you leave out the explicit loading of the dvips-driver you will
> get again hyphenation. Is that an option for you?
> Just type \usepackage[a4paper]{hyperref}. latex will use hypertex.def
> and pdflatex hpdftex.def.

Alternatively, one can use


The only drawback is that if you produce a pdf file via
latex-->dvips-->ps2pdf, the link from the ToC entry to the actual
section heading will be only in the first of the two lines. But that
shouldn't be a problem, since you seem to use pdflatex to produce the
pdf version.

I admit that this is poorly documented in the hyperref manual. If you
(Juhapekka) can suggest a text that you would have understood, I will
hand it to Heiko Oberdiek, the maintainer of hyperref¹.

Regards, Frank

¹if you're really fast, I can give it to him this evening, when we will
meet in the pub ;-)
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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