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Bug#227398: hyperref destroys hyphenation of ToC

Juhapekka Tolvanen <juhtolv@cc.jyu.fi> schrieb:

> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, +18:36:30 EET (UTC +0200),
> Juhapekka Tolvanen <juhtolv@cc.jyu.fi> pressed some keys:
>> But I use hyperref and run that LaTeX-doc through vanilla latex-command,
>> all hyphenation disappears from Table of Contents and I get more
>> Overfull box-warnings. I load it like this:
> Sorry, I forgot to give you an example file:
> http://iki.fi/juhtolv/gradu/

Excuse me, Juhapekka, but this time it is really you who has to provide
a minimal document. I have downloaded your file and installed verse.sty,
and replaced all uses of multibib by standard natbib commands. But on my
system, the table of contents looks equal in pdf and dvi, and both are

To get a minimal example, you should do the following:

- Create a copy for debugging

- First look for the place where the first heading appears that is only
  hyphenated with pdflatex. Delete everything from there up to
  \backmatter, run through latex and look if the error still occurs. If
  yes, also remove backmatter and everything before the heading up to
  the table of contents. 

  Every time check whether the error is still there - if not, you have
  to put in the deleted part again and try to delete one half of it,
  finding the problematic stuff.

- Once you've minimized what is between \begin...\end{document}, do the
  same with the preamble. Probably with the minimal body, you can delete
  all the packages that define no-longer-used commands, without
  "loosing" the error. Finally, try the same with the packages that do
  not define user macros. 

  Perhaps, when you try to remove geometry, you will loose the error,
  because the text dimensions change. But in this case you can use an

  \setlength{\textwidth}{xx cm}

  because for the problem it doesn't matter whether the margins are
  correct, as long as the hyphenation still takes place with pdflatex,
  but not with latex.

When you have done this, we can really go on and find out where it comes

Thank you for your cooperation,

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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