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Bug#214824: tetex-bin: fails to install ("Could not find default config file for pdftex")

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 10:50:24PM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> Ah, sorry, the above was not correct.  I meant not tetex-bin 
> but tetex-base.  If you did the above with tetex-bin then
> please try with tetex-base like;
> dpkg -i --force-confmiss tetex-base_2.0.2-*.deb

Yep, that fixed it for me (although the package still needs fixing to
upgrade cleanly of course)


Robert Millan

"[..] but the delight and pride of Aule is in the deed of making, and in the
thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery; wherefore he
gives and hoards not, and is free from care, passing ever on to some new work."

 -- J.R.R.T, Ainulindale (Silmarillion)

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