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Bug#176049: tetex-extra: Hyperref makes latex confuse labels after footnotes

On 09.01.03 Erik Schnetter (schnetter@uni-tuebingen.de) wrote:


> When I use the latex \label command after a \footnote command, the
> created section numbers are wrong.  This only seems to happen when I use
> the hyperref package.  The labels that are defined after a footnote
> refer not to the section number, but to the footnote number instead.
> Here is an example latex code:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \begin{document}
> \section{Section Heading}
> \label{first}
> \footnote{footnote 1}
> \footnote{footnote 2}
> \label{second}
> First label, section \ref{first}.
> Second label, section \ref{second}.
> \end{document}
> The resulting .dvi file reads approximately
> 1 Section Heading
> 1 2
> First label, secion 1.  Second label, section 2.
> (end of .dvi file)
> I would expect both labels to refer to section 1 (the only existing
> section).  Yet the command \ref{second} creates the output "2",
> referring to the footnote 2.  This also happens when there is a lot of
> text between the footnote and the \label marker.
> The corresponding .aux file also contains a suspicious entry:
> \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Section
> Heading}{1}{section.1}}
> \newlabel{first}{{1}{1}{Section Heading\relax }{section.1}{}}
> \newlabel{second}{{2}{1}{Section Heading\relax }{Hfootnote.2}{}}
> The entry for "second" should not have the "Hfootnote" tag, but rather
> "section", as does the entry for "first".
Thanks for the bug report. Can you still reproduce that bug with
tetex-extra-2.0.2-4.1 and
Package: hyperref 2003/01/22 v6.73n Hypertext links for LaTeX
? I can't. Would you be so kind to close that bug if it is fixed?
Please send an E-Mail to 176049-done@bugs.debian.org if so.

sigmentation fault

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