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Bug#126438: pdflatex: nested tags and relative links

On 25.12.01 Chris Tillman (toff@azstarnet.com) wrote:


> I noticed whenever a url link is nested inside a <file> tag, the
> pdflatex output is incorrect and unlinked. If that can't be fixed,
> a suggested workaround would be to have nsgmls generate an error or
> warning.
Would you be so kind to give a minimal example, which shows that
behaviour? The <file>-Tag has nothing to do with TeX, has it?

> Also, relative links which work fine when using debiandoc2html are
> broken in the pdf format. If you click on one of these links,
> acrobat reports a relative link not found error. I guess this is
> because the pdf document is considered to stand by itself, and is
> not assumed to be in a given directory like an html document is.
> Could a warning be added to the pdflatex output when relative links
> are present? - so this situation would be visible to the doc
> builder.

sigmentation fault

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