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Re: Processed: Re: Bug#141778: acknowledged by developer


>>>>> In <[🔎] 20020409133217L.kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> 
>>>>>	Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> texmf.d/20pTeX and fmt.d/20ptex.cnf are conffiles
> of ptex-bin, then how we can be responsible for their
> handling?  We can not even touch them.

Yes, but what I told you was "move /etc/texmf/texmf.d/* to somewhere,
e.g. under /var/lib/texmf or wherever".  It's tetex-bin's directory,
isn't it?  That's why I reassigned this to tetex-bin.

> Please provide them as configuration files but not conffiles
> and handle them appropriately with postinst and postrm.

As you know, files under /etc are automatically marked as conffiles,
so if files in /etc/texmf/texmf.d are not supposed to be modified by
hand or other programs(I mean these are not really "configuration
files" but something like GNOME menu hints, right?), they should not
be under /etc.


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